
Saturday 23 November 2013

Joining TrulyRichClub of Bro. Bo Sanchez

I came from the humble and simple yet fulfilling life of the agricultural sector side of the Province of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. I’ve have grown up from a very loving family background. My three siblings and I had the happiest childhood so to speak. We have never felt “lack” as we were able to eat more than 3 times a day with foods naturally grown around us. We have a home filled with our laughter. We have the lake just down the hill for our endless swimming pool. We have wide backyard and fields to play around. We have the moon and the stars to light-up the night while waiting to drooze-off. We were trained early with the adage “Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise”. Life then was so carefree for me and my siblings. Life seems so uncomplicated and worry-free as all the basic necessities of life are just within our grasp almost all so cheap if not for free.

When we started studying in high school, reality started to haunt us. Accompanied by almost monthly non-stop natural calamities destroying the income-generating crops of my parents, financial struggle started to set in. This went for so long. As children, nobody ever discussed to us about saving extra money and investing. Seeshhhh! How can my parents teach us saving if they are having hard time making both ends meet? Yes, we were taught how to cut cost in every area of spending out of no choice but never did it occur to us to save and invest for the future when we were earning already after graduating from college.

And then on one faithful day, a dear friend replaced a lost book she borrowed from me with one written by Bro. Bo Sanchez, author of so many best-selling books. The book “8 Secrets of the Truly Rich” was an eye-opener to me. I finished reading the book in just one sitting devouring each essential passage and awakening messages. It ignited the sleeping “lamp” in me. It literally enlightened me about money. Bro. Bo says “Money isn’ t the most important thing in the world. But money affects every important thing in the world.” How’s that to you? We’ll, with all the financial experiences my family had during my school days, I’d say Bro. Bo is so right at that.

I have read this book soooo many times (looks overused isn't it?, haha!)

"8 Secrets" fuelled me and my Norlito the burning desire to start building a solid financial foundation for our family. We signed up for membership at the TrulyRichClub (TRC) and now applying all the financial literacy principles it is teaching us. Another good thing about this club aside from the financial mentoring is that we also gain spiritual abundance through the daily “GodWhispers” sent daily to our inbox. It’s as if all areas of our life are enriched. Bro. Bo cited the importance of taking out Term Life Insurance for bread winners so we took one. He also stressed out the necessity of building emergency funds equal to 6 months of expenses for rainy days; and paying all outstanding debts before investing. He also mentioned that the best time to prepare for retirement is NOW so a year ago we have started investing in mutual funds, UITFs and stock market and let it grow for 10-30 years from now (long term investing for our retirement). Bro. Bo and TRC’s battlecry is “Earn as much as you can, save as much as you can, and give as much as you can” and that the true value of wealth is in giving it away.

Join us at TRC and let’s learn together the building of blocks for a solid foundation on all aspects of our lives. This is the best time to start your exciting journey too. It is in your hands and not anyone else who will make or break your future. As Les Brown said, ”Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”

Click here to join Bo Sanchez's TrulyRichClub or email me if you have questions on our journey with TRC.

Journeying with Passion, 

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