
Saturday 30 November 2013

I want to Invest! Where do I Begin?

Oopps! You're wrong! I'm not singing. I love songs but songs doesn't love me.

After reading and digesting all sorts of financial literacy books like Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad, Stanley's The Millionaire Next Door, Bo's 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich, Colayco's Wealth Within your Reach, Zadel's Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill), Whittaker's Making Money Made Simple,and many more, what's next? I want to invest where should I start? That was me and my Norlito's question.
"Study anyone who's great, and you'll find that they apprenticed to a master or several masters. Therefore, if you want to achieve must apprentice to a master." - Robert Allen
So, we looked for financial mentors to guide us on our financial journey. My friend in Singapore Analyn Bontilao introduced us to the Truly Rich Club of Bro. Bo Sanchez. That time she is already invested and TRC made that big difference in her life.  We joined the TRC last October 2012. We also joined the International Marketing Group (IMG) Truly Rich Makers Team under the mentor-ship of Fely and Benj Santiago. Please click here to know more about IMG-TrulyRichMakers Team.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Invest only when you have

1.  Increased your Income (for OFW's like us, being abroad should have addressed this step,  otherwise find ways to increase cashflow).

2.Taken protection
     a. Long term and short term health insurance (me and my husband have taken the Kaiser Premium Health Builder of IMG for long term health insurance; and the Bupa Health Insurance here in Australia for the short term health insurance).

     b. Term Life Insurance (Most life insurance here in Australia have worldwide coverage,although there are lot of conditions to be met as most other local insurance do. My husband and I have BUPA Australia as short-term health care insurance so getting a Life Insurance from them would give a member a discount on the premium. Please note this is just an info, I'm not advertising for them. You can choose other Life Insurance providers). It is not necessary to get Term Life insurance if you are not a breadwinner or nobody depends on your income for survival.

3. Paid all debts (We can exclude property investment leverage here as they are good debts).

4.  Built Emergency Funds (equal to 3-6 months expenses for single and 6-12 months expenses for married. This is something liquid that you can access easily in case of emergencies). 

Yes there are membership fees my dear. But as mentor Bo said "Your money won't grow if you don't grow. Grow you and your money will grow too. So invest in yourself. In your self growth. And whatever you spend will be nothing compared to the profits you'll earn because of the quantum growth you'll experience. Get rid of the free lunch mentality. When you pay for something, you value it. And you learn more. You get blessed more. When it comes for free, many times, we don't value it. And we don't learn."

Australia is a beautiful place. Agree? But isn't it best if when we finally decide to reintegrate in our beloved Philippines we are not only taking home with us our pictures in the beautiful places of Australia but also having achieved Financial Freedom and Financial Independence and having escaped the rat race as the true reward and memento of working abroad?

Of course, no one wants to have photos abroad only as remembrance. Let's TAKE CHARGE of our own finances but be guided accordingly. Let's all target being financially-free. 

Journeying with Passion,

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