
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Feeling Grateful :)

Facebook emoticon? Nope! Well, maybe. I'm just so thankful to the Lord Almighty for giving me the patience to finish my Engineers Australia application (from recognition to membership). Many are asking what benefit will I get from it? To tell you the truth, only God knows. As I was always saying, I've done my inspired ACTION and now I trust the Universe to bring to me exactly what I need. GOD will do the rest. The BEST is yet to come!

Letter I received after submitting my 54-page Narrative report (including attachments).

And finally, letter of approval of my membership.

"And then, when you have DONE all you can just relax and let go - knowing that if it is meant to happen it is bound to find a way" - Linda Field Life Coach

Journeying with Passion,

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