
Saturday 26 October 2013

Quest For a Greener Pasture

Two years ago, I decided to explore Australia in search for greener pasture. Albeit with a clear vision of my purpose, it was still a difficult decision because I will be leaving for a while my lovely talkative 18 month old baby boy Jaron, my  Norlito (my other half) and my work which I have enjoyed for a long time because of its “One-Family” core value and its distance to our house is just so ideal I couldn’t ask for more.

My Norlito
My Jaron at less than 2 years old

But I have to go.

My “emotional why” tell me I need to go. To cut the story short, my mother was stricken with the deadly cancer. She needed series of chemotherapy sessions to battle the disease. I’m the oldest in the family and the breadwinner as well (before I got married). I’m “sandwiched”! Sandwiched between taking care of my own family needs and taking the responsibility for my loving mother’s medication. It’s payback time for her unconditional love and tremendous sacrifices for me to reach where I am today.

I promised myself, I will, by all means, return home someday with fulfilled mission and vision.

And like a powerful mantra: Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) Perth Western Australia!

Journeying with Passion,

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